Please Support SummerStage at Leonia!

Donation Level Contribution Award
$10,000+ 16 VIP Tickets***
SUMMERSTAGE ARCHANGEL $7,500 - 9,999 14 VIP Tickets**
SUMMERSTAGE ANGEL $5,000 - 7,499 12 VIP Tickets**
SUMMERSTAGE SPONSOR $2,500 - 4,999 10 VIP Tickets*
SUMMERSTAGE STAR $1,000 - 2,499 8 VIP Tickets*
DIAMOND $500 - 999 6 VIP Tickets
PLATINUM $250 - 499 4 VIP Tickets
GOLD $100 - 249 2 VIP Tickets
SILVER $50 - 99 1 VIP Ticket
BRONZE $10 - 49

***Meet the cast + Meet the creative team + Backstage Tour

**Meet the cast + Meet the creative team

*Meet the cast


All Donors will be gratefully acknowledged in our program

Note: Donations (minus dollar value of complimentary tkts used) are tax deductible.


Net proceeds are awarded to the schools in Leonia and local theater groups

to nurture their educational programs in the Cultural Arts.


Make check payable to SummerStage at Leonia; Mail to 311 Oakdene Ave, Leonia, NJ 07605


SummerStage at Leonia is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Please Support SummerStage at Leonia!

***Meet the cast + Meet the creative team + Backstage Tour

**Meet the cast + Meet the creative team

*Meet the cast


All Donors will be gratefully acknowledged in our program

Note: Donations (minus dollar value of complimentary tkts used) are tax deductible.


Net proceeds are awarded to the schools in Leonia and local theater groups

to nurture their educational programs in the Cultural Arts.


Make check payable to SummerStage at Leonia; Mail to 311 Oakdene Ave, Leonia, NJ 07605